We believe everyone deserves a deep breath.


We’ve all heard about manifestation, the law of attraction, abundance…but how many people actually know how to allow it into their lives?

How can we possibly allow an abundance of joy when chronic stress is ruining our bodies, minds and spirits? Stress is killing us, literally.

Many people are trapped in negative habits of thought, feeling and routines that no longer serve them, and can’t seem to break the cycle. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone. In an age when chronic stress is the number one cause of illness and disease, learning how to protect your mental health is more imperative than ever. So, how do you break those old habitual, stress-amplifying patterns and relax into peace and stability once more? What if we told you the solution could be quite simple…even delightful!

Introducing the Abundance Wand, a sensory breath work tool held in the palm of your hand that reminds you to be mindful, connect to the power of your breath, and make a new choice in the moment, instantly calming your mind.

Through gentle awareness, you lower your levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower blood pressure, slow your heartbeat, and flush toxins from your system... instantly decreasing anxiety.

Deep breathing meditation tools.
Deep breathing meditation wands.

Over time, you gently build new neural pathways, rewiring your brain to allow access to this peace in the moment whenever required. Abundance Wands are a beautiful visual and tactile reminder of the balance and serenity within your grasp.

In as few as 3 minutes with your Abundance Wand using one of our guided meditations, you can return to stillness, and make your next move from a grounded, intentional, conscious place.

By slowing your breathing and taking intentional deep breaths in and out through the nose, you immediately signal to your brain that it is safe to exit fight or flight mode, activating the parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for allowing your body rest and repair, inspiring cellular renewal.

Mindful Tools kit.

Breathe, feel better…and unleash the power within to achieve your biggest dreams! Each Abundance Wand set comes with a uniquely aligned guided visualization and 5-minute guided breathing meditation.

Perfect in your pen holder on your desk, take an Abundance Wand with you on the go for a quick deep breathing session anywhere— in line at the supermarket, pre-surgery, under the desk at a difficult meeting... or keep one beside your bed for some mindful moments before sleep. Each wand has been intentionally aligned with positive, healing, high-vibrational affirmations.

Abundance Wands are fun, playful but powerful tools that can help brighten your day... and ultimately change your life, one deep breath at a time!

 You are the creator of your story…. And you can change it right now. 

Our Story

Amanda and Amanda met in 2004 in Hollywood, California. Amanda Krantz; a former Member of the United States Air Force, a Graduate of Harvard Business School and a kick ass drummer; met Amanda Sellers, who at the time was a struggling actress and singer/songwriter waiting tables on Sunset Blvd.

Not long after they met, a rock band was formed, and together with their bandmates decided to quit their jobs, threw all their belongings in storage, buy a 15 passenger van and hit the road as full-time touring musicians. Together, they played ALL over the USA. From San Francisco to Manhattan and everywhere in between (Hello Alabama!)

Abundance Wands Founders
Abundance Wands Founders Amandas..png
Abundance Wands Founders.
Abundance Wands Founders Amanda.

When the band parted ways, so did the Amandas. They both went on to get married, each having 2 boys (serendipity?) and busy careers. Amanda S always knew she wanted to partner up with Amanda K again, and years later, it happened! (YES! Never give up on your inspired thoughts— take action!)

The Abundance Wands were born out of a desire to help others reconnect with their breath and their hearts.

In 2020, Amanda K went for a routine mammogram and the doctors discovered she had breast cancer. She promptly went in for surgery and they performed a double mastectomy. Thankfully, Amanda is cancer-free! We are passionate and honoured to donate to research and efforts supporting women living with breast cancer. We stand by you all!

Thank you so much for supporting Abundance Wands! You are creating a better world, starting with the most important one. Yours. 

Abundance Wands- A Mindful Tool For Dcreasing Anxiety.
Mindfulnes Tool For Decreasing Anxiety.